
A Black British Beauty Blogger

Sunday 23 December 2012

Guide to surviving the sales (Pt2)

So you decided to venture out and hit the shops. Hopefully you  have read part one of my guide and made a list.

First things first, you will need to do the following:

Wear comfortable shoes
If you're anything like me, expect to cover a lot of miles when out and about. Go hard or stay at home!

Eat a good breakfast
You will be exerting a lot of energy walking, running, queuing etc and you don't want your hard won booty to be prized from your hands as you lay prone on the floor after fainting from low blood sugar.

Carry water / sugary drink with you
The stores get so hot so have a bottle on hand to re-hydrate you as you stand in line to pay.

Wear Clean undies- it is a must
Your Nan was right, wear clean underwear as you may be forced to use a communal changing room or the mirror outside if it's closed.

Make sure your phone is charged and the bill paid
I have gone shopping with friends, each armed with an extensive list and an area of the store to cover. You will need to remain in contact with each team mate -updating them on your progress and striking items off as you get them. Valuable time can be wasted by members searching for the same item or inefficiently working the queue.

Work the queue= one joins the other goes off to shop, you must, I repeat, must be back in time before you reach the front or all items risk self destructing or face the wrath of other shoppers behind you.

Remember your manners and observe local etiquette
Now ladies, we should not need to debase ourselves in the pursuit of a bargain.

Common gripes:

  • If  you're gonna leave the queue, tell the person behind you - thank them upon your return and offer to do the same should they too wish to leave (do not do so more than twice). 
  • Bump someone, stop and say sorry
  • If you both reach for the same item under no circumstances are you to engage in any fighting, back away and chalk it down to a loss. Karma is real y'all!
  • Leave the baby at home (know this is controversial but it has to be said). Pram rage is ugly and ramming your pram against me will cause me to call the Social on you for abuse!
  • Haggle gracefully. Please note that if the sales assistant / store manager / area rep has said no to your wonderful offer of 99% off, STOP trying to haggle and pay the price. Your holding up the queue and disgracing us all.  

On a side note, I'm slowly tuning into a online shopper. I can do it from the comfort of my own home (bed) and can quickly compare the price among other retailers.

Feel free to let me know what tips / strategies  you deploy during the sales.

Happy Holidays!

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